Friday, May 13, 2011

22 months!

Leah loves her little cousin, Alexis or "Yekus"

Smile! haha

Daddy teaching Leah how to drive...whatever that is

I haven't posted in a long time, sorry! My kid is only 2 months away from turning 2, I can hardly believe it! She is talking so much now, I can't even make a list anymore. She says so many sweet things but my favorite first phrase of all time was "I love you mommy" right before she went to bed. I started bawling of course. We had just come back from being gone 5 days in a row for our good friend's wedding in Colorado (which was SO much fun by the way!), Leah got to stay with Ryan's parents (Mimi and Poppie) for a couple days, then my parents (G-ah, and Papa) for the rest of the time. I missed her so much even though we were having fun. It's funny, when you're a mom focusing all your energy on your child 24/7, all you wish for is a break. Then when you finally do get away, all you wish for is your baby back! It was nice to get away but I was so happy to be reunited with Leah, and when she told me she loved me, that was just the icing on the cake! Leah also loves babies so much, each time she meets one or the daycare babies come here, she gets in front of them and says "Hi sweetie!" and gives them hugs and kisses. What a sweet girl!

We had Mother's day dinner at my parent's house. My awesome husband got me a new camera too, woo hoo! My old one got doused in juice and animal crackers...classic. Here are some pics from Mother's day. Check out that high def! Good job husband!