Saturday, April 21, 2012

Week 23 - The roommate

                  Not sure why I keep having these pictures taken right after dinner. I may have been    slightly pushing out the belly with my lunge move there.

It's all coming back, it's all coming back to me now! My body has been taken over. Bodysharing, what a strange concept. Of course anyone who's alive knows that a pregnant lady shares her body with another person but you totally forget or have no idea what it's like when you're not pregnant. It all started coming back to me this week as my bladder became a punching bag! Oh is my bladder in your way? I'm sorry, I will just run to the bathroom every 12 minutes to empty it and make more room for you! Just imagine, you have a roommate. The kind who steals your stuff, crowds your space, eats your food, and is mildly physically aggressive at times. Then imagine that roommate is inside of you. Ah! Scary thought! It came very apparent to me today when I laid down for a nap and at that exact moment, baby boy deciding it was punching bladder Zumba time or whatever was going on in there. I actually had to lay there and giggle for a little bit because it reminded me that of course this wonderful thing is growing inside but also, we have different schedules and this won't be the last time I will be prevented from taking a nap because of him! I'm ok with it though. What's even scarier/kind of funny is, this baby is probably only maaybe a pound and a half. That means he has ohh about 6 or more lbs to put on, which means I better be making more room! I actually cannot believe how huge I am right now for 23 weeks. I'm not worried about it or anything but it is quite different from last time! A lot of people I know are pregnant and it's hard not to compare myself to them. I know not to do that! Women who are having their first babies are always smaller and cuter I guess. I am still teaching dance which hasn't been as difficult as I thought. I just avoid doing any floor moves because I know it will take a lot of effort to get back up. I'm sure it's pretty comical to watch me try to teach my hip hop dances or demonstrate ballet choreography. I haven't been laughed at yet though (outloud at least) so it must be ok. I have only gained about 10 lbs believe it or not. It must all be in my uterus, which is fine! Also TMI alert: if you've never been pregnant you probably don't know this because pregnant ladies don't talk about it. It is just about impossible to go #2. That's right I said it. So I think that adds to some of the weight going on there. Ps, flaxseed helps. Go get some! Anways so the baby's the size of a mango which is a little over 1 lb and 11 inches long from head to butt.
Oh and we bought Leah's new bedroom furniture this week! We pick it up next week and she is going to love it! I just ordered the bedding. I can't wait to set up her new big girl room!