Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Things pregnant ladies should know

Last time I was pregnant, I found these wonderful tips online. I thought I would share them with my first time mom friends, just in case they need a little help. Being pregnant can be so overwhelming and confusing at times. It's good to do that's it's ok in it's not...don't even think about best friend's mom's cousin did it and she was fine. These should clear up any confusion over questions you may have.

I accidentally did this in hip hop class the other day. I just need to be more careful!

I don't see anything wrong with this...

Good thing I found this one before this Memorial day weekend! I was not aware!

PS...I am already 27 weeks 5 days pregnant! I feel like I keep updating this blog but I really am not doing great at keeping up! It's going by way too fast! I can't even think about the fact that my due date is only 12 weeks away or I may have a panic attack but I am managing to stay calm so far. This pregnancy is a breeze! Ask me again in a couple weeks how I feel about that statement though...