Thursday, August 13, 2009

More cute pics!

My sister's friend offered to take some pictures of Leah when she was 1 week old. Here are just a few, they turned out so cute! She is already so much bigger I can't believe it!

Monday, August 10, 2009

1 month old!

Well the past month has been a whirlwind to say the least! Leah's upside down schedule definitely has me exhausted but I am really loving learning how to make her happy and watching her change. I can't decide if this month has flown by or if it feels like an eternity! I still can hardly believe that I am a mom, what was I thinking? haha! We still have some bouts of fussiness during the night and Leah seems to hate her bassinet but we are working on it. Hopefully by the time I go back to work Leah will have a better sleep schedule. I am praying about it! Today was Leah's 1 month appt at the pediatrician an she is 8 lbs 12 oz! She seems so big to me but I can't believe women still give birth to babies her size! ow! Here are some recent pics, she is definitely looking like her daddy!