Friday, December 25, 2009

What I'm not getting for Christmas...

Haha!! But seriously I'm not getting that. But that's ok! I would get up a million times a night if that's what makes my kid happy...for now. Today is our first Christmas together as a family! We are going over to my parents later today and then Ryan's parent's tomorrow. I'm sure Leah will get so much great stuff, what a spoiled baby! Merry Christmas to everyone from the Parks family!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A new chapter..

My prayers have been answered! I have decided to make a major change in my life and become a stay at home mom. If you know me at all, I always said I would NEVER do that, funny how things change huh? While it isn't something I aspire to do for the rest of my life, I am really looking forward to being with my baby and concentrating on my home life for a while. The pressure of my job and the thinking about Leah constantly while I was at work was taking a toll on me and making me very unproductive. I was so sad! But now I am so excited to have a little "free" time. And by "free" time, I mean pretty much catering to every single one of Leah's needs 24/7. I know it won't be easy, but I'm up for the challenge! Financially it may also be a struggle, but with a very supportive husband and naturally frugal genes, I think we will make it! The picture above is from our recent trip to visit Ryan's parents at their new lake house in Illinois.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Leah meets Santa

Today Leah met Santa for the first time! Me, Leah, Gramma, and Aunt Stef went to Jordan Creek to see him. This Santa is so great I swear he's the real thing! Leah didn't seem to mind being held by this round, jolly fella. Santa told me that Leah asked him for a pony this year! I don't think that will be happening but hey, a girl can dream.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Trying new things

Hey everyone! It's been a while! Leah is almost 5 months already! My sister's friend did some pictures of Leah for her 4 month mark, they are sooooo cute. Here are some a few of my favorites. Leah is getting such a little personality, a little diva! She is starting to laugh (she thinks Ryan is funnier than me) and give little hugs. Well I don't know if she knows they're hugs but I say she does. She gets excited to see people she knows like me (of course), daddy, grandma and grandpa, and Aunt Sarah. Leah and her older cousin Austin are BFF's now, so cute! A few weeks ago we tried out the rice cereal with Leah. She loved the taste and she was grabbing the spoon wanting to feed herself already. Later we found out that Leah's belly did not enjoy the rice cereal as much as Leah did. She was up really late crying, burping, farting...the usual signs of indigestion. Poor thing! So we are putting off the rice cereal for now. Leah had fun with the Parks side of the family on Thanksgiving and at the Short's side, she got to try some sweet potatoes and loved them! Our biggest struggle right now is the fact that she is still not wanting to sleep through the night. The past few nights she has had a cold and has been up 3, 4, and even 5 times during the night. This has definitely taken it's toll on me. As anyone who knew me pre-baby....I like my sleep...I like it a lot. I am starting to wonder if I will ever sleep 8 hours straight again in my life. I am just taking things one day at a time and trying to enjoy everything I can. Well anyways I am rambling, I will let you enjoy these sweet pictures!