I can still hardly believe it! Even though this baby was planned, it seems so surreal. I am currently 11 weeks along and it seems to be going by so quickly already. The pregnancy so far has been pretty textbook. I feel pretty crappy most of the time with brief periods of normalcy. I wish I could remember what I felt like when I was pregnant with Leah but that seems like a million years ago! It was only like 3 years though right? Geez. I found out I was pregnant when I was about 4 weeks along and couldn't believe how great I felt! Fast forward 2 weeks: I was starving every hour and I HAD to eat or I would be heaving over the toilet, extremely tired, and crying. Lovely huh? This week, I am not as hungry, nauseous, or tired which is wonderful! The one thing I forgot about (maybe I purposely forgot about it?) is the raging HORMONES! My poor husband is trying so hard to be understanding but how much can a guy take, really? I have completely lost my filter which causes me to be rude, blunt, harsh and completely ridiculous most of the time. I am on the hormone roller coaster and I can't get off! I even know I am being out of line but it's like my stupid mouth won't listen to my smart brain. Then immediately after, the tears start coming. I'm hoping this subsides soon! Also, I am huge. Ok maybe not that huge but man, it's true when people say you start to show sooner after your first pregnancy. It's like my body just knew where to go. pppllfffttthp. That was the sound of my belly popping out as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Right now I look like I looked when I was 17 or even 18 weeks with Leah. YIKES. Not worried though, just kind of crazy!
Enough about me, how about this baby? Ryan and I have gotten to see the peanut on an ultrasound one time when I was 7 weeks, 5 days. The heart rate was 124, which the nurse said was normal for that gestational age. I have a fetal heart doppler at home and I have been trying for a couple weeks to see if I could pick up the heartrate myself. Yesterday, I was finally 100% sure I found it! The heart rate was 164 today. According to old wive's tales, that means it's a girl but I don't know! Everyone in my life seems to think this hog is a boy. We shall see.
I'm excited to start sharing the ups and downs of this pregnancy like I did last time. Here we go with the fruit....baby Parks #2 is the size of a lemon. We're makin lemonade!
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