Saturday, September 12, 2009

2 months old!

Leah got her 2 month check up last week and she is 10 lbs even! She is in the 40th percentile for her height and weight but she is 60th for her head measurement! She takes after her mom and her big noggin. She also got her first shots :-( I think I was more upset than she was! She already forgot about them I'm sure but I am like traumatized! Boo, poor thing. Here are some pictures I took today of Leah in her little ISU dress. ok I know they didn't win but whatever, she is still cute!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Baby update!

Well I haven't updated the blog in a while and I'm sorry! Things are settling down as we get used to having a baby around the house. I don't feel so harried and crazy anymore which is good! Leah is almost 2 months old already I can hardly believe it really. She is holding her head up a little better and smiling at us all the time. That smile just makes it all worth it! Of course we still have the unexplainable crying a lot of the time but I guess it's just par for the course. I can't stay mad at my baby! Leah has been sleeping a little bit better, for about 4 hours at a time which is muuuch better than before. We have had a busy summer visiting family, having visitors at the house, my brother's wedding. Leah seems to be somewhat of a party animal. She loves being around lots of people and just staying awake looking around. Maybe I should just take her out every night to wear her out so she'll sleep! She has her 2 month check up with shots in a few days, sad! We'll see how big she has gotten then! She is sitting on my lap as I type this and feels pretty heavy...