Saturday, September 12, 2009

2 months old!

Leah got her 2 month check up last week and she is 10 lbs even! She is in the 40th percentile for her height and weight but she is 60th for her head measurement! She takes after her mom and her big noggin. She also got her first shots :-( I think I was more upset than she was! She already forgot about them I'm sure but I am like traumatized! Boo, poor thing. Here are some pictures I took today of Leah in her little ISU dress. ok I know they didn't win but whatever, she is still cute!


  1. She is such a doll and she isn't very big! What a little peanut in the 40%! Richie & Maddy have always been 50-75% & by the way Richie's head was always in the 90% because he has an alien head like his dad so 60% is not too bad! She is so cute! Love ya! :)

  2. Look at those big eyes! She's so cute! It's hard to see them get all those shots their first year or so. At least at her age they forget about them pretty quick. I don't look forward to Austin getting the flu shot this year. He'll never want to go back to the doctor again!

  3. Whatta doll baby! Big heads=more brains, right? Keller's have big waddy Keller heads-looking forward to delivering one of those beasts someday! Foster's have small heads, maybe it will even out? Love ya!
