Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Halloween baby--kinda late I know

Sorry I'm late, I guess I've been a little busy lately! Dance started back up again so I'm teaching 2 private lessons a week, not too bad, but still a lot of creative power needed for that! Today I have the day off because Leah had her 4 month check up today and had to get 2 shots. She only cried for like 5 seconds so she is doing great so far today! She is 13 lbs 2 oz, 50th percentile for everything, so she is getting up there. She is helping me type right now so sorry if there are any typos! Here are some pictures from Halloween. She was both a glow in the dark skeleton and a pumpkin. She wasn't a huge fan of being a pumpkin as you can tell, but she's a natural skeleton!Silly girl!