Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I love peas!

I have been having a wonderful week or so at home with my little Leah. We are not on such a great schedule right now with Christmas events and New Years, in which Leah spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house but we are working on it! I love deciding what I want to do in a day and being productive around the house and taking time to just sit and cuddle with my daughter whenever I want, I love it! We are still trying to find ways for me to earn a little extra money so I of course am still teaching dance but I am also selling my pack rat husband's stuff on ebay! He has soo many valuable things he has kept that he will never use (and about a million video games) it's time to clean out this place and make $ at the same time! So that has been keeping me busy along with running errands and taking care of the baby. I love my new job though! Leah is sleeping in her crib now which is great but she still wants to get up 2-4 times a night. Now that I don't have to get up so early, I have much more patience at 3 in the morning so I can deal with it and hopefully continue to help her sleep for longer periods. In the past few weeks we have introduced Leah to peas and carrots, she LOVES them, she wants to feed herself!


  1. what a cutie!!!oh just wait for spaghetti!!!..it gets messy. :) I am excited for you being able to stay home for now! I am sure it is such a relief..and your right, time is not your own anymore so its not really "free time", but its worth it. Ill bet Leah likes having you home. :)

  2. She is the CUTEST thing EVER! And I'm not just saying that because she is my niece. Praise the Lord you are home and working on your little one getting in her crib and being a little scheduled baby. A scheduled baby is a happy baby! And she looked pretty happy yesterday! Love you! :)
