Friday, January 22, 2010


It finally happened! The moment I've been praying and wishing for for probably about 6 months! You guessed it, my beautiful daughter actually slept through the night last night! Of course I didn't because I was waking up every 2 hours wondering why she wasn't crying...and she was fine just sleeping away. The previous 2 nights, I broke down and just had to let her cry herself back to sleep at 3 in the morning. I was on the verge of losing my mind and my back was throbbing from leaning over the crib and then standing to rock her. I just couldn't do it anymore so I would go back to bed and cover my head with pillows until she fell asleep. I didn't think either of us could do it and it broke my heart when she was crying but I knew it would do us both good in the long run and it did! She was so happy this morning when she woke up! I told her it's because she got so much sleep because screaming for over an hour in the middle of the night is not good for our beauty rest! Well I just had to share because this is probably the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a while, maybe I can go back to sleeping for longer than 3 hour stretches? That would be wonderful, pray that this keeps going! Also, Leah's baptism is this Sunday, pictures to follow!

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