Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's day!

To the best husband and daddy ever! I just love seeing the relationship between these two grow. Watching the man I've been in love with for 8 years (almost 9 what?!) turn into a father has been amazing. Today I made breakfast for Ryan and we are relaxing until we go to my parent's house for dinner. Leah is starting to talk and I always know when Ryan walks in the door from work if Leah sees him first because I hear "Hi dada!". It is so stinkin cute. I guess I don't mind that she STILL isn't saying "mommy" yet. Oh well, in due time I'm sure. Leah is also saying "hi, hi, hi" and waving to everyone and everything she sees. Leah and I are having a great summer so far, full of playdates, swimming pools and walks. I'm so glad that she is easy to take places now! She is developing somewhat of a defiant spirit but I don't think there is much I can do about that, I mean, look at her parents! haha! Next week we are taking our first mommy/daughter road trip to visit my friend Tessa in Minneapolis. I am kind of nervous about getting her out of her routine but I'm sure it will work out fine. I hope! On a side note, my little baby will turn 1 year old in about 2.5 weeks, I can hardly believe it! Time really does fly when you're having fun :-)

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