Thursday, July 1, 2010


I am switching gears for a moment and using my blog to write down some of my thoughts on the new movie in the Twilight Saga. I know you are probably sick of hearing about it, but I saw Eclipse last night and I loved it! I am going to be one of those Twilight dorks for a minute! I know a lot of you will understand and many of you may also be rolling your eyes. Hey, I always say, don't knock it til you try it haters! Anyway, as a person who has read the books and loved them, I was not too impressed with the first Twilight movie. I thought a lot of character development, plot development, and acting talent was missing. The second in the series, New Moon, was a little better in terms of story development and actors. I was impressed this time! Here are a few reasons why...

1. The cast (especially Kristin Stewart) must have been taking some acting lessons recently. Much less hair pulling and lip biting. Good job kiddo. I actually wasn't distracted by horrible acting. She was much more relatable and actually seemed a little sweet, which is not usual.

2. The producers did a much better job of not leaving out important character stories and other plot lines that are important to the story. I didn't feel the urge to yell out "but what about ____?!" (some important plot point in the book). They crammed a lot into this movie!

3. I love the wolves...that is all

4. Even though I can only handle so much love cheesiness, the "lovey" moments between Edward and Bella are essential to the story, I guess I can do.

5. The actor that plays Bella's dad, Charlie, really captures the essence of his personality in the book and brings some humor to the story. Good job guy.

6. I'm throwing in something I don't like... there is one character who shares the name of my baby, Leah. I decided to name my baby that BEFORE I read the book. They didn't go into real detail of her character but basically, no one really likes her. Way to go me.

7. In the book, the "fight" scene is much longer and actually got a little boring to read. They cut it way shorter in the movie and left in the good stuff, like breaking off the heads of vampires. Thank you.

8. Another thing that I don't like. Dakota Fanning. Really? She is supposed to be scary and intimidating. When I think scary and intimidating, the LAST person I think of is Dakota Fanning. I think of annoying, precocious young girl. There are many other actors that I think would have played that part better, sorry Dakota.

9. And lastly, the lady sitting next to us with the 3 year old AND nursing her newborn at a 9:15 showing is way braver than I.

That's all for now, call me dork if you will. I'm secure with myself. Add more if you would like!


  1. Melissa - i totally agree with everything you said.. except the Dakotah Fanning part. i thought she was cast perfectly, only because in the books Jane is said to be very sweet looking and acting-but her power is super scary!
    Matt and i went to see the movie last night and i was SO happy with all of it! i loved all the humor they brought to the movie and certainly thought Kristin came out of her shell a bit-her acting wasn't so very terrible!
    it makes me think theres hope for the next installment! i'm so excited!!!

    you call me anytime, i'll be a Twilight geek with you!! :)

  2. yeah I think you either love or hate Dakota Fanning, maybe she just annoys me in general and that's why I didn't like it!

  3. thats about true. shes just one of those people you have to love or hate!
