Thursday, February 16, 2012

On to the 2nd trimester!

Time is flying by! I am 14 weeks today and feeling pretty good, thank goodness! I feel like I just hit 12 weeks, now I'm already 14 weeks and in the 2nd trimester? Ah this is all going so fast for me! haha! I am thankful for that though. Only another 6 weeks until we find out if it's a boy or girl, what do you think? Of course we don't care either way. Ryan seems to think he is doomed to have 5 daughters and no son but I think he's just being funny. I honestly have no idea. Last time, Ryan and I both just knew that we were having a girl, so it was no surprise when the ultrasound tech told us it was a girl! This time, I have no gut feeling or anything. Leah isn't helping either. I ask "Is this baby a boy or a girl?" her response, "a boy and girl!!". NO, no it is NOT one of each! There is only one. I thought older siblings were supposed to have some sort of sibling intuition? Oh well, time will tell, I'm so excited to find out!

So, the baby websites all say the baby is the size of a lemon this week, I thought it was the size of a lemon 3 weeks ago but what do I know! The baby has doubled in weight since last week (I feel like I have as well) and can now pee, grimace, clench fists and suck thumbs! Amazing! It is also beginning to produce bile this week which is an important bodily function of course.

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