Friday, March 30, 2012


My pretty girl hanging out with Mommy on St. Patty's day

19 weeks, 5 days. I don't feel like I look this big but holy momma! I guess this was right after we ate dinner at Smokey D's and I was wearing horizontal stripes....haha!

This picture is at 16 weeks, 1 day. 4 weeks ago already! AH!

Holy crap, time is flying by! It has been 6 weeks since I update my blog. "Woopth, thorry!" as Leah would say with her sweet little lisp. Today I am 20 weeks, halfway there! This pregnancy seems like it is going so much faster than my first, it's unbelievable. The most exciting thing to happen in the past 6 weeks was that we found out that we are having a BOY!! I sort of had the feeling it was a boy but I never really said it because I didn't want to be wrong. I would find myself referring to the baby as "he" and then wondering why I thought or said that. Turns out I knew but didn't know it! Ryan is pretty excited too. Now comes the work that we have been putting off this whole time. Finding a name (no progress yet), picking out nursery decor (nothing yet), getting new furniture for Leah, possibly registering for new baby boy stuff, etc. We have decided to keep Leah in her room since it is bigger and she will need the room for a bigger bed. Plus, we didn't want to turn her world too far upside-down! She's comfortable in her room and we will keep it that way for her. She still doesn't get that she is going to have a baby brother. I keep saying "You are going to have a baby brother!" She replies, "A baby brother-sister!". She'll get it soon enough I suppose.

I feel like this pregnancy is so much different than my pregnancy with Leah. There are a few obvious differences of course, like the fact that I'm not working in an office this time. I'm moving around a lot more. I can't tell if this is making a difference in weight gain or not. I have gained about 10 lbs so far! Woopth. I can't remember where I was at in weight at this point with Leah. I weighed more with her when I started out but I was does that work? Anyways, I feel a lot calmer about being pregnant this time. Probably because I know what to expect and I know how having a baby is going to change my life. I was really freaked out about that last time. Before I had a child, I spent a lot of my time going out with friends, drinking, having fun and being free. I haven't really had that luxury in a while so bring on another baby! One thing that is the same as with my previous pregnancy is that I want Dairy Queen blizzards all the time. I would be fine and happy if I had one every day. I haven't had one in a few weeks though....someone owes me one! :-)


  1. This weekend you will get you're blizzard!!

  2. If I was there, I'd take you out for a blizzard! You are lookin good, momma!
