Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sneak peek..?!

I thought it would be fun to see what our kid is going to look like! So I found a website that will mesh your two pictures together to show you what your kid might look like. Of course it's just for fun...and kind of weird! Oddly enough, this kid looks pretty much just like when I meshed my picture with Justin Timberlake's! hahaa!

Week 26 has been pretty uneventful. I think the little one is starting to run out of room in there because she has not been as active this week as she was last week! Last Friday I had another doctor's appointment. Everything was good, baby's heartbeat is sticking around 145-150 so that is good! I have one more appointment in 4 weeks and then after that I will be going every 2 weeks until the baby comes! Ah! I just can hardly believe it has been going this fast. Back when I first found out I was pregnant, I felt like 26 weeks was SO far away but I am here! I am so blessed that everything has gone well so far and we are praying that she will be healthy and born on time with no complications! Every day she gets sronger and has a better chance of being born healthy. This week I experienced my first stranger asking when I was due. I don't know why but I was a little shocked like "who, me? you can tell?" haha, it was kind of weird. How did he know I'm not just packin on the pounds in the midsection? That would have been embarrassing for him if I told him I wasn't preggo! ha!

I would just also like to take the opportunity to share the weird thoughts that creep into my mind on occaison like...if I am feeling seasick with this ONE baby's kicking, imagine how Kate Gosselin or the Octomom felt when they were pregnant! Could you even imagine? The constant moving, kicking, bladder punching, peeing, no sleep, always worrying etc. Wow. Well anyways, more weird thoughts from Melissa to come I'm sure. I don't have a belly pic this week because I am lazy. Have a great week!


  1. Thats who your hubby looks like...JT! I finally figured it out...haha this is hilaious.

  2. Funny Funny! Ryan & I did this at an amusement park once & our daughter looked like Rosie O'Donnel & our son looked like Bruce Willis... it was really funny! I think she looks cute but I bet she will be way cuter! Our kids are a lot cuter than our pics! I still have them I think! You need to scrap this! FUNNY stuff! Glad to hear everything is going well! We are praying for you & the health of that little girl! I am so excited! :)
