Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Under Construction: Baby's room

So we finally did it! We started the Baby's room! I don't have any "before" pics but there was some ugly, nasty, old blue/grey carpet here. Ryan started pulling it up and we both expected to see an equally nasty wood floor underneath. To our surprise, the wood floor is beautiful and pretty much perfect! Check out that shine! We are painting the walls green and cream to match the bedding.

Sofie approves the room too!

Tomorrow I hit 24 weeks! For those of you who haven't been perusing baby websites and joining pregnancy boards, you may not know that this week is kind of special. Week 24 is the week when the baby hits "viability". This means that if any complications were to occur and the baby was born, she would have a chance of survival outside of the womb. Of course we want her to stay in there every precious day possible but it is very reassuring and comforting to know that we have already come this far! Every week she stays in there, her chances of survival outside of the womb increases like 10% or something like that. I can't do math but I know it's good! She is still being a rebel by the way, her dad still hasn't been able to feel her kick even though I can feel those little feetsies kicking me HARD in the bladder all day!

Another little point, a little off-topic is that I started my second-to-last class today! That means I only have 12 more weeks before I am DONE with school and have my Master's in Management! WHEW! It feels like I have been in school forever!! Which I guess I pretty much have been. It will be nice to not have to worry about that anymore. The graduation ceremony is on June 27th, only like 3 days before I am due! I don't care, if I can move I will be walking across that stage darnit!

Here is a small sample of what my upcoming months will look like...

March-Start 6 week birthing class at Mercy

April - Baby shower at Molly's house, start last Master's class

May-Baby shower at Mom's house

June- get done with school, work all week for the dance recital, Rebecca's wedding shower (my brother's fiancee), graduation ceremony, get everything ready for baby

July-HAVE BABY, Boss's wedding....etc etc, the list goes on!

PS...Ryan took a picture of me tonight. I swear I did have full intentions of posting it here but now I refuse to slap that pic up into cyber space...it is just not pretty and I will not subject my loved ones to that! I will have him take a picture of me on a prettier day. Sorry!

"Your baby's growing steadily, having gained about 4 ounces since last week. That puts her at just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), she cuts a pretty lean figure at this point, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon start to plump up. Her brain is also growing quickly now, and her taste buds are continuing to develop. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant, a substance that will help her air sacs inflate once she hits the outside world. Her skin is still thin and translucent, but that will start to change soon"


  1. Amazing how busy we are when you start putting it down on paper, but you my dear, are one busy lady! I am so proud of everything you are doing with a FT job, PT job, school and being pregnant is no easy feat. I will be glad when school and dance is over so you hopefully have a few weeks to relax before baby arrives. Just try to remember, it is ok to accept help from those that offer. They offer because they love and care for you, Ryan and baby and you will appreciate the help! Who know, maybe on June 27 you'll walk across that stage with a baby in your arms! That would be a picture!!!

    Lots and Lots of love to you and Ryan!

  2. SHORTY! of course i remember my pal shorty! ha.
    it's been far too long and i can't believe you are having a baby! congrats!! im excited to follow your blog now that i know you have one!

  3. yay! I know Linds it HAS been way too long! We need to dance again! Well I mean I teach dance but it's just not the same. Maybe once I can move again and I'm not so fat we can go dance around somewhere! I would like that. haha

  4. YOu are so cute! I love how you put your personality into your posts, its great!...and those floors are beautiful, can't wait to see how the room turns out. And this is kind of a dumb question..but, do you spell it shortie, or shorty? ha :)

  5. funny! it doesn't really matter, I always used to spell it Shortie because I liked the I-E but it doesn't matter!

  6. I spell it - Shorty. Anyway, get the belly pic on here pronto! And, I am still willing to help in any way you need: painting, cleaning, organizing, you name it. . . almost!
