Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How 2 B a good husband during your wife's pregnancy...

Ok ladies so I found this insightful article on www.beagooddad.com . It is pretty funny and pretty true if you ask me! So far, Ryan is doing a pretty good job of handling the pregnancy hormones and what not (it probably helps that I have been a superior pregnant lady but that is just my opinion). He tries to be understanding of what I'm thinking and feeling, and he is attending childbirth classes with me. Poor guy I know it can't be fun for him looking at pictures of uteri and mucous plugs (ew! there is seriously a mucous plug?), he even signed up to wear the empathy belly and learned how to give me back massages to keep my mind off of contractions when those start. What a great guy. Well the guy who wrote this must have learned a few things by experience so tell your men to listen up and put on a damn smile while you are going through this! (my comments are inserted in pink)

Stop telling her to rest. First and foremost, quit telling her to sit down and rest or take a nap. She has stopped trying to keep the baby in. She is tired of resting and waiting. The best way to get the baby out seems to be moving. Let her move and hope gravity helps speed up the process. (hmm I haven't encountered this one yet)
Stop telling her she looks tired. She’s always tired and therefore will always look tired. Reminding her of this will only remind her that she has a few things to say to you and that scruffy hair growing on your face (and the "sympathy weight" you may have been acquiring)
Buy her stuff. Little stuff. (big stuff)Magazines, videos, crossword puzzle books. (clothes, jewelry, purses) Anything that can help an hour or so pass as quickly as possible.
Buy the baby stuff. Diapers are good. Cute baby pajamas are better. I recommend only getting one thing at a time. Just seeing a cute baby something is enough to get a smile. Would you rather have a smile every couple of days or just once when you buy a whole new wardrobe at one time? :-)
Take care of low stuff. Pick up stuff off the floor before she gets around to it. Move the laundry so she doesn’t have to bend over. My wife likes to remind us that she only can bend over a handful of times a day. Don’t make her waste those bend overs doing chores. (YES thank you! Someone tell Ryan I can't get up off the floor to turn off the lights or put in the DVD once I have already settled there!)
Take charge once in a while. Instead of saying, “I’ll help with dinner. What should I make?” just make a decision and run with it. Sure she might get sick of Mac & Cheese and frozen pizza but she’ll be happy to not have to make the ever stressful what’s-for-dinner decision every night.
Try not to look antsy. Don’t sit around waiting for the baby. Tell mom that you are taking the kids somewhere and she can come if she wants. Instead of sitting around staring at mom’s belly, start a tickle fight or coloring project with the kids. The general happiness will help keep mom’s spirits higher.
Try to make the house as normal as possible. Talk about normal things. Try to eat normal things. Try to keep the kids on normal routines. Don’t give mom a chance to think that everybody is fidgety/bummed/nervous because she can not entertain the world.
Don’t constantly look at her belly and say “Get out of her belly” in a bad Austin Powers impersonation. (ladies this is just where you can either choose "ignore" or "silence")

Pretty good advice huh? Well I hit 27 weeks tomorrow, I will have some more to post tomorrow!


  1. Where do you find this stuff? It's pretty funny, but there is a lot of truth in the statements. Those back rubs will be pretty important, so make sure Ryan gets lots of practice!

  2. This is funny! I will have to read these to Ryan G! Also you soooo need to take pics of Ryan Max wearing the belly PLEASE! That would be so funny! :)
