Thursday, October 22, 2009


This week, we have been trying to avoid the dreaded H1N1 flu...dun dun duuun!! I was afraid that we all had it when Ryan and I came down with headaches and sore throats but now we are just congested like crazy. Somehow, little Leah has been able to avoid everything! She just is a tiny bit stuffed up. Everyone keeps telling me it's the "magical" breastmilk. I guess that stuff is pretty magical! I would like to take a minute right here and just talk about how great breastfeeding is. If you get uncomfortable thinking about breasts and milk coming from them...well turn away. My friends are probably so sick of me talking about it but it's a big part of my life now! It's so nice to have the support of your family in something like this. I have learned so much about breastfeeding since I started and I am convinced that it is the greatest thing God ever invented...right after my baby of course :-) I guess you could call me a "lactivist" now, that's what my sister-in-law Molly calls herself too. Before I had Leah, I just kind of thought of breastfeeding as something you did because it's the best thing you can do for your baby and I had never questioned that. I just sort of thought of it as my job. But then, I couldn't imagine the benefits it has for me too. It is so relaxing and wonderful to come home from work and have that special bonding time with my baby. I am the only one that can provide her with that comfort any time she needs it. aaaah the beauty of BREASTS. haha I had to emphasize that word to make you all uncomfortable. Thank you god for blessing me with these wonderful could have made them slightly smaller though...amen

Saturday, October 10, 2009

We made it!

..One year that is! Well our anniversary is actually tomorrow but we are going out tonight to celebrate. We are going to Baratta's, the restuarant that catered our rehearsal dinner, it is so good! Barb and Max were nice enough to take Leah for the night. It is her first overnight! I'm sure she is going to have lots of fun though. I can't believe it has been a year since the wedding, so crazy!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Back to work!

Well I actually went back last Tuesday so it has been a little over a week, but needless to say I have been busy! Ryan, Leah and I have been trying to get used to a whole new schedule of waking up early, getting ready, heading out the door, me being gone all day, picking up, going home, winding down, whew! It is exhausting! I really don't know how working moms do this every day, especially if they have more than one child! Getting back into work mode has not been easy for me but I am still adjusting. Let me tell you, pumping three times a day at work is not fun and it takes forever! I am determined to keep doing it for as long as I can though. Leah is eating me out of boob and home! I don't know if I can keep up but I sure am trying. Our weekly schedule is still a little random. Leah goes to Ryan's sister Sarah's house 3 days a week where she can be with all the fun little kids who love to talk to her and play with her. It's so funny, she seems like she is trying to talk to me whenever I pick her up from there! So cute. The other 2 days of the week, Leah gets to stay home while her Aunt Stef comes over to watch her. She gets to sleep in a little and still gets to have fun! So far it's working pretty well so hopefully we can keep it up. Little Leah is sitting on my lap right now watching me type while we listen to Disney songs. She loves it!

Other milestones; Leah has discovered her hands and tries to eat them all the time, let's not make that a habit little one! She has also discovered that she can splash in the bathtub, it is SOO cute! She just flails her arms and legs around while she smiles at me. She just looks like she is having so much fun! Here are some recent pictures....there is the hand eating I was talking about...