Saturday, October 10, 2009

We made it!

..One year that is! Well our anniversary is actually tomorrow but we are going out tonight to celebrate. We are going to Baratta's, the restuarant that catered our rehearsal dinner, it is so good! Barb and Max were nice enough to take Leah for the night. It is her first overnight! I'm sure she is going to have lots of fun though. I can't believe it has been a year since the wedding, so crazy!


  1. All I can say is boosums! Leah likes them too! ha ha! You guys look so good and still do! Leah is such a little CUTIEin the pic- little love! :)

  2. Hope you two had a great first year. Here's to the second! Leah's dress is beautiful and that bow is so cute!
