Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Leah's big day!

Leah's cake made by her Godmother, Melissa. So cute!
Leah's Godparents, Melissa and Scott

Wanting to play in the water ...

So much has been going on with the little one lately! We had a wonderful day for Leah's baptism. She did great of course and as you can see, wanted to play in the holy water! She looked adorable as always and it was so great that so many of our family members could attend. Leah's Godmother Melissa made the cake of course and it was FABULOUS as usual! I just love the little angel. Leah is so lucky to have such a great Godmother...and she makes great cakes to boot! Leah is set for life on all of her special occaisions! :-) In addition to Leah's baptism, we have seen so many fun changes in Leah. She is sitting up by herself now and has figured out how to "army crawl". She stays on her belly but uses her elbows and knees to get around, she is pretty fast too! Looks like I need to get on baby-proofing the house. Sheesh where did the time go? I thought I had a few more months before I had to do that?! On another note, I am getting a little case of cabin fever here...I can't wait until spring and summer! I am so excited to be able to go on walks, the pool, the park etc. This lady needs some color in her skin and this baby needs to see the world!


  1. Leah was so adorable! We felt so honored to be a part of this day and blessed to be able to play such an important role in little Leah's life! I can't believe she is crawling already!!!!!

  2. I am just so happy for you and smile every time I read this blog! Leah is growing so much and I can tell how wonderful it is for you to be at home with her. Miss you! :)
