Thursday, March 18, 2010

8 months old!

Leah is now getting into EVERYTHING! I can't keep her away from everything dangerous, which of course all she wants to do is go towards electrical outlets, cords, toppling furniture, etc. Anything that I missed in my baby-proofing adventures...she will find! The other day I caught her standing up in her crib! I just looked at her and thought "oh...great!". Now she is pulling up on the couch, coffee table and everything she can find. It's so funny to see this little munchkin standing up, she thinks she is sooo cool! She is also starting to develop what I like to call "Bratitude". I didn't think this started this early but I think we're really in for it. Whenever I say "NO", for example when she is crawling towards an electrical outlet, Leah turns her little face towards me, gives me the biggest smile, then continues on crawling towards the outlet even faster than before. What a stinker!! I thought the rebellion didn't start until like 12 or something? Geeeez. We've been battling another cold this week with a nasty cough which makes for a fussy and clingy baby but it will be over soon! These pics were done by my friend Nicole, an aspiring photographer. She did great! We also got some more done the week after these were done so I will post some of those soon too!

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