Thursday, July 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Leah!

I can't believe it has been one year since my precious baby was born! I can still remember every second of giving birth to her and our hospital stay...and every day, week, and month following that. Leah was born at 1:17 pm so in about 2 hours we will say it's official! I remember thinking that 1 year seemed like so long and I couldn't imagine what she would be like. Well, it went so fast, now I want it to slow down! Leah is already talking and walking. It is absolutely amazing how much a little human being can grow in just one year. I've never experienced a birthday of one of my children before, it is definitely different. I feel happy, sad, proud, hopeful and crazy all at the same time! Now I can say I know how a parent feels...kind of like I want to cry! boo hooo. This whole past week has been emotion as every day I think "last year at this time I was...". Since I was a week overdue, I remember I was starting to get depressed and SO anxious to meet my baby. I was looking back at my blog posts from that time and I was soooo over being pregnant. I was about to give up! I guess that wasn't really a possibility but it's crazy that this time brings back those memories. Then, of course there are the memories of the first time I laid eyes on her. I can safely say that was THE most amazing moment of my life. Craaaazy. Anyways, today I think we are going to head to the wading pool so Leah can take a dip, swimming is one of her favorite things! Here is a picture of the birthday girl I took today. One of her new things is putting everything on her head, taking it off, and then bringing it to me so I can put it back on her head. Silly kid! I also made her a birthday cake, of course she loved it, haha!

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