Tuesday, January 11, 2011

18 months old!

I can hardly believe it! I know I am going to be saying that for the rest of my life no matter how old my baby gets, but really! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I guess I kind of forgot about the blog, or I just didn't have anything exciting to write! Well my little peanut is talking like crazy lately, she is so hilarious! She is actually starting to repeat things we say so now I actually have to be careful. We took her to her 18 month wellness exam today and the doctor was really impressed with how much she is talking. She thinks she was talking in sentences but I have no idea what she is saying! Sometimes Leah will come up to me, put her little hand on my shoulder, look me in the eyes and say something that sounds really important...then wait for a response. Uhh, I have no idea what you are saying child, but it sure is cute! She got a babydoll with all of the accessories for Christmas. She will wake up in the morning, see her babydoll and scream "Dede!!" (baby). It's like she just missed her so much!

Another amazing and proud mommy moment happened a few weeks ago. I was making dinner in the kitchen while Leah was playing with the letter magnets on the fridge. I hear her say "Itsa S!" I look down and sure enough she is holding the "S" magnet. Hmmm. So I get down there with her and start pulling down letters to show her. To my complete and utter amazement, she could name almost all of the letters of the alphabet! Even letters I would consider hard like, "W", "R", "L". Wow! I have never taught her this so I know she must be learning from her favorite show, Sesame Street. I felt bad about letting her sit there and watch TV, but now that I know she is actually learning from it, well, I don't feel so bad anymore. She will only be watching the educational shows though! Now I am going to sound like one of those braggy parents that thinks their kid is a genius but COME ON!! She is a genius! That's my girl :-)


  1. What a perfect little mommy she is! And so smart too! I'm a proud auntie!

  2. Wow! she is such a cutie!! Thad said when you guys were in the office that he like fell in love with her and came home to say that we HAVE to have a little blonde girl. :)...by the way sorry I didn't tell you we were pregnant when I saw you, but Thad was telling everyone at work later that day it it would have been awkward out in the lobby. :) So good to see you! If you ever want to get together for a play date sometime let me know. :)
