So here I am again, another weeks down, week 22 is here! only 18 more to go? eeeek! So much to do! Well this week definitely has not been as exciting as last week when we got to see the baby but I do like to report that the kicking is still happening a heck of a lot! It seems to be the strongest from around 1-4 pm when I'm at work. She hasn't woken me up yet, so that is good! Hopefully soon I will be able to report that we have started the nursery, but no it hasn't happened yet. oh well I guess we have some time! I am definitely starting to show more which is still kind of weird for me. haha everyone who knows me knows that I am just feeling like a fatty rather than a pregnant person. Never again will I comment on the size of anyone's pregnant belly! I think maybe I am just too sensitive but someone told me I was waddling the other day and I was pretty horrified!! Well I can laugh about it now because I know it's true but come on, you don't have to point out how huge I am do you? ugh, oh well, I just have to get used to it I guess, it's not going to get any better!
So this week 22 picture doesn't look much different from the week 21 picture but she is supposed to gain a few ounces this week!