Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 19 update-Is this nesting already?

Hey here is your Baby Parks weekly update for week 19! I am almost halfway there already! At 19 weeks the baby is about 8 or 9 inches long and can weigh about 8 or 9 ounces, I think that's half a pound right? Well you can correct me if I am wrong! I tried putting the ultrasound video on here but like I thought, it was too big so you will just have to come to my house to see it!

I guess I have gotten some energy back because I spent this past weekend organizing my closet (organizing? me?) and making more room for the baby's stuff. I haven't quite organized the baby stuff yet but at least my clothes are stored properly and there is room for more. That was quite a big accomplishment for me.
Here is a picture of me at week 19! AAAHHHH!


  1. You still don't even look that pregnant? Are you long wasted... maybe you will be the skinny prego that I always wanted to be... you know skinny everywhere but with just a belly! I never had that! You look so cute! I can't belive you are already 19 wks! :)

  2. You look so good for being almost 20 weeks! I can't wait 'til 2o more!
