Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New baby craze!

Well things are finally starting to get a little less crazy (kind of) so I found a little time to add to the blog! Although I probably won't have as much time as I did when I was pregnant! Little Leah is 2 weeks old today, time is already flying by! The past 2 weeks have been nothing short of insane. Of course the first few nights were a little nerve racking trying to get everything together, having visitors and trying to keep up with her sleeping/eating/pooping schedule. I am still getting up about 4 times during the night for feedings but I am getting used to it and am sometimes able to get a little nap while the baby is sleeping. Today she must be totally pooped because she has been sleeping the majority of the day! Probably because she was awake yesterday for a good chunk of the day with what I think was gassiness. I got her some gas drops though and she was able to sleep, poor thing! Today we even went on an outing to my work to see my co-workers and she slept through the whole thing. She loves car rides and falls asleep almost immediately so I know that's a good trick. Other than that, there really isn't much going on. Ryan got a week off so he enjoyed spending time with us for a while but had to go back to work last week. I wasn't too excited about it! We try not to wake him up in the middle of the night but he's a pretty heavy sleeper! Soon we will have to start taking shifts so we can practice for when I go back to work. ugh this is going too fast already! Here are some pics of Leah from the hospital when she was one day old, I love these!


  1. Those are the best hospital pictures I've ever seen! Of course it helps that she's so cute. I can already tell she's going to be photogenic. I got some good pictures of her at Austin's BD party. I'll send them to you.

  2. yay! I won! haha, I WILL brag lots! :) hehe, I am so glad that everything went well...those pictures are adorable! I lpve the flower, I hope someday I get to do girly things. Boys are fun too, but there is just something about baby girls that is so much fun! Did you decide to breastfeed? If so, how is that going? I not an expert...experience only, but I do know of some great books to read if you need help.

  3. Um, sign me up for one of those! She is so stinkin' adorable!
