Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Today is my due date...

aaand nothing is going on! I secretly predicted this would happen although I was wishfully hoping that the baby would decide to come earlier. We are so ready, that is all I can say! I started my maternity leave on Tuesday since there isn't much for me to do at work anymore. It has kind of been nice to have a few relaxing days getting things ready and everything. I had a doc's appointment on Tuesday afternoon in which I was informed that my cervix is pretty "unfavorable" at this point. Pretty disappointing but we did schedule an induction for next Tuesday night. I really, REALLY hope I don't have to wait that long though! So there you have it. We will let everyone know when the baby comes so quit calling!! haha just kidding...but seriously I'm not. :-)


  1. Hey, I haven't called you! Maybe I should...just kidding! See you at the hospital, hopefully sooner than later!

  2. I have been thinking about you A LOT & praying for you! I know how hard it is to be patient at the end... now you know how I felt at your wedding but at least I had the wedding to distract me! Well we love you guys & we are so excited to meet little Leah! Just hang in there! I promise I won't call anymore! he he! :)

  3. hah you guys are so funny, you aren't bugging me at all! Actually no one really has for the past few days...i think everyone else has given up too!
