Thursday, February 24, 2011

This kid amazes me...Hyper Diaper 2

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would update you on what's been happening around the Parks household. In short...not much. Except for the fact that my daughter amazes me every single day with the things she knows! Here I go on a shameless bragging spree. Leah knows almost every single letter of the alphabet (except J for some reason) and also knows some numbers! This shocked me again since I had no idea she knew these things. She just points to numbers and says them, crazy! She knows she is ONE year old, and holds up her little finger. Sometimes she tries to lie about her age and say she is 2...naughty. She can identify some colors too! Pink, of course, orange and green! I know to some people, this may seem like it's so obvious. DUH a child is supposed to learn these things, it's normal! I know this but to actually see it happening is a miracle. Here are some words and phrases she likes to say.

"Shoe" (over and over again as she tries to fit all of her shoes on her feet)

"nana" (banana)

"eat" (obviously)

"ka-ker" (cracker)

"cookie" (there is no mistaking this one)

"oger" (orange)

"ogie" (not to be confused with "oger", "ogie" means yogurt)

"nack" (snack)

"all done!"

"get down!" (usually to the dog)

"happy" (aww)

"tho-thee" (Sofie, the cat)

"boos" (boots)

"peeees" (please)

"go GOCK!" (we don't get it either, but it means go downstairs, or upstairs)

She is also repeating everything we say. Like today I told her not to touch the garbage can because it's "icky". Of course she runs around the house screaming "ICKY! ICKY!" aaah wonderful.

Another fun thing about my beautiful daughter...she likes to climb. She will climb anything and everything she can possibly get her chubby little paws around. I have been told that her father was the exact same way....lovely! They called him "Hyper Diaper". Looks like we have "Hyper Diaper 2" on our hands.

1 comment:

  1. Cute post! Amazing how those words just appear out of nowhere!
