Friday, December 19, 2008

It's official!

Hi! So this is my first time officially blogging so that is new but the thing that is actually official is the fact that I am pregnant! You heard right, another Parks is soon to be born! So I will tell you the whole story about what was happening in our lives, how we found out, and what has been going on since. I hope to update week by week so you may get tired of hearing about my symptoms and complaints! ha! Well just know that no matter how much I complain about cramps, fatique, etc. we are both SSOO excited to be having this baby. It may seem like it was pretty sudden (and I guess it was) but we really have been wanting this for a long time and it is a true miracle. I think it is safe to say that I still can't believe it's happening to me! Well now I sound like a bad musical or something but I deserve to be cheesy every once in a while I guess right? Moms are cheesy so I am practicing!

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