Friday, December 26, 2008

We get to see baby AGAIN!

S I am a littlelate posting this because of all the crazy holidays and what not. I had my second doctor's appointment on Christmas Eve morning so I want to tell you about it of course! Unfortuately Ryan coudn't go because he had to be at a meeting for work, but my mom wanted to come so that she could hear the heartbeat (excited g-ma I guess!). So they do the usual "how are you feeling" and blah blah. The doctor uses the doppler device and found the heartbeat pretty much right away! Little thing was beating away at 154 BPM which had slowed down quite a bit from the 9 week appointment. So we are getting our coats on ready to go and the doctor says "Wait! Do you want an ultrasound? The tech needs practice to get her certification!" Um hold on let me think about it.....YES!!!! So I get to see all (well almost all) of baby Parks at 13 weeks. I was just in awe and amazement. I still am in shock to see that little baby with all of it's parts and know that it is inside me, crazy! The ultrasound tech showed me and mom the baby's brain, heart, lungs, spine, and you could start to see it's little bones forming as well. At this point, the baby has already developed all of it's organs, fingernails, teeth buds, genetalia and everything! It's so hard believe since it is only 3 inches long, everything is just in miniature! Wow, is all I could say. Baby was moving around like crazy so she had a hard time getting good still shots. I so wish Ryan was there to see it but he can come next time. Geez if I keep getting lucky with the ultrasounds, maybe I will have one every time! The question I keep getting is if they could tell if it was a boy or girl. Sadly, no :-( But, I totally now have this feeling that it is a girl and if you see me sometime in the near future, I will show the pictures and tell you why! But of course I could totally be wrong so I won't go out and buy a bunch of pink stuff yet. Although it is definitely tempting. I promise I will get pictures up here in a minute!

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