Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Second Trimester--FINALLY

Woo hoo!! So today officially marks the day when I am no longer in the first trimester! I can hardly believe it, this day seemed so far away just a few weeks ago. So from here until 26th week (I think?) I will be in my second trimester which they say is the best one. The nausea and fatigue goes away and you supposedly just feel great. I have been feeling pretty good anyways so I have high hopes for this part of the pregnancy! I need to start cleaning out the closet in the guest's sad that I have to give it up but I will be strong! PS...I am pretty sure I felt the baby move the other day but then I thought I was crazy because they say first-time pregnant ladies can't feel it that early or they don't know how to distinguish the difference between movement and gas. Well I am POSITIVE it was a baby moving! I just know it. So I consider myself lucky there too! I haven't felt it since but I sure have been trying to feel it a lot. People tell me to just be patient and pretty soon I will be wanting it to STOP moving so I'm ok for now. Well my next Doc's appointment is Jan. 23rd in the AM so I am sure I will have an update for you after that. Maybe they will be able to tell if it's a boy or girl?!?!

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