Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What my baby looks like...maybe...kinda

This is what I can do for ya right now! Week 18

Week 18 update - preggo brain (huh where are my keys?)

Well, after all of the excitement last week, finding out we're having a girl and everything, we of course decided to go SHOPPING!! There are so many great sales of baby clothes. Ryan and I picked out the bedding that we love at Babie R U so we can start visualizing and painting the new room after I get all of my clothes out of there :-( I am losing a closet and gaining a child....I guess it is a fair trade! The ultrasound place we went to last week gave us a DVD of the entire session that they put to music, it is really cool! I am trying to figure out how to put it on here because it is about 16 minutes long but I am determined to do it! On another positive note (I guess), my clothes no longer fit and I have resorted to primarily maternity clothes. I know this is a big milestone for pregnant women. Actually I won't lie, I am wearing my "normal" pants today but they are quite uncomfortable. I am wearing a maternity top though (thanks Sarah and Molly!) On another positive note, "pregnant brain" is in full effect! I used to think this was some sort of crazy myth that I heard about before becoming pregnant but it is true! I feel like I am constantly in a daze, I forget where I put things, I forget where I'm going, I forget to turn off things. I put a box of crackers in the fridge, I attempted to put my car in neutral when I was merely trying to turn on the turning signal, and I told my sister that I liked grape candy like 4 times because I thought that I only only thought about telling her and forgot that I had actually said it outloud to her (several times). I have to make a list for everything, I mean it is just crazy! Luckily I haven't hit "reply all" to any emails at work yet, although I caught myself once there. So there is my pregnant life in a nutshell, all very humorous I'm sure. Next, preggo brain will attempt to put some pictures up here!

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's a.....

GIRL!!!! We got THE ultrasound today and got to see loud and clear! The ultrasound tech said she is 100% sure, no doubt that it's a girl so hurraaah! Now we can start registering for things we need and thinking about names. I will get some new pictures of baby on here next!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Breaking news...

Ok so I called the OB's office and asked for the receptionist that I know would give it to me straight. She said I'm not getting an ultrasound tomorrow so I was completely bummed. But then, I remembered hearing about this place in West Des Moines that only does ultrasounds so I made an appointment for tomorrow! Not only do we want to find out the sex (because I can't stand the suspense any longer) but of course we want them to be sure everything is growing ok. They basically guarantee that they can determine the sex and if they can't for whatever reason, they will schedule another one for you. YAY! So update tomorrow...

Week 17 update

Hi there. So I hit 17 weeks this Wednesday and I feel better than I have in quite a while! I actually had energy yesterday! Well, "energy" as in, I didn't want to take a nap at my desk or drink caffeine to keep me awake. Not that I wanted to clean or exercise or anything crazy like that but I'm taking small steps. Maybe I will feel up to exercising tonight. I'm up to like 15 minutes on the elliptical which is monumental considering I tried getting on it when I was about 6 weeks pregnant and was out of breath and exhausted after 4 minutes. See, baby steps, it's all about baby steps. Tomorrow Ryan and I are heading to another OB appointment so we are praying that we will be able to get an ultrasound and find out what sex our little one is! I'm not sure if they do a routine ultrasound at this point or if I will have to wait until 21 weeks but I REALLY hope they do one! Mom, I really don't know how you did it, not knowing what sex your baby was until it came out, 3 times!?! That is absurd! Well I will definitely give you an update tomorrow after the appointment...stay tuned!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gettin bigger...

Alright, so here's the latest belly pic taken by my sister before we took a trip to the mall to buy me some bigger pants for work! And no, I am not pushing that thing out, or arching my back anymore than usual! I'm not gonna lie, most of that is probably the result of an increase in my ice cream and cereal intake but hey, it's all good. Anyways, I will stop blathering and let you enjoy this picture, haha!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Week 16 - Baby furniture and accessories!

Hey I'm back! Sorry, I didn't realize that so many people were waiting for an update! I will start adding more I promise! So yesterday I hit week 16, not a whole lot of changes in the baby except that he/she is probably about 4.5 inches long now from head to bottom. That seems so big considering only a few short weeks ago, he/she was the size of a blueberry! (there's that fruit comparison again). He/she's still the size of an avacado apparently, just a bigger one! When will we move on to things like canteloupe or watermelon? haha, I can wait for that. We did take a big step this weekend and purchased all of the baby furniutre for the nursery. We found it on craigslist. A couple in West Des Moines was selling their crib (with mattress), changing table, dresser, rocker and ottoman for a great deal. The couple was really nice and even gave me some extras like some newborn diapers and teething rails for the crib. Wow we are lucky! I couldn't find a good picture of the furniture, but it is maple (really light colored wood) with chrome hardware. It's really cute and will go with anything of course.

So I've got a question for you ladies that have been preggo before...when is this alleged energy burst supposed to arrive? When I was in my first trimester, everyone told me "oh don't worry, you will get an energy burst in your second trimester and you will feel great!" HA WHAT?! I am still SO exhausted all of the time! Well I am exaggerating a little bit, it's not as bad as it was before but I definitely don't feel this "burst". I know what a burst of energy feels like and it is NOT this. haha oh well, I guess I can wait for that too. I have been feeling the baby move also! This time I know it's not gas! It is unlike anything I've felt before. It's like little tiny bubbles popping. I'll be honest, it is a little weird but very amazing. Like I mentioned before, many women don't feel anything at all until they are like 22 weeks or so, especially if it is their first. I don't know if I am just in tune with my body (or this baby is huge) or what, but it's great.

I did get one request for a belly pic so I will try and get that on here when I get home tonight. I know you are dying of suspense. I basically look the same, just fatter....nothing too exciting.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 15

Hey guys, so here is our week 15 update! Not much new going on except for the fact that I am feeling rather large but I guess that is to be expected right? No pictures of my belly this week sorry folks! I know you were looking forward to that! I am still counting down the days until our 17 week appointment, so stay tuned for that. This week the baby is probably a little over 4 inches from the top of the head to the bottom of the...well...bottom. At this point they don't count the length including the baby's legs because they are still all curled up and hard to measure. One thing I have learned as a newly pregnant lady that I was not aware of before is that each week, your baby will be compared to some sort of fruit and/or vegetable!This week it is about the size of a navel orange, avocado or a beefsteak tomato! Not that it is quite as round but maybe the same length? Great thought, I am growing a salad. Here is the visual for you...