Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week 17 update

Hi there. So I hit 17 weeks this Wednesday and I feel better than I have in quite a while! I actually had energy yesterday! Well, "energy" as in, I didn't want to take a nap at my desk or drink caffeine to keep me awake. Not that I wanted to clean or exercise or anything crazy like that but I'm taking small steps. Maybe I will feel up to exercising tonight. I'm up to like 15 minutes on the elliptical which is monumental considering I tried getting on it when I was about 6 weeks pregnant and was out of breath and exhausted after 4 minutes. See, baby steps, it's all about baby steps. Tomorrow Ryan and I are heading to another OB appointment so we are praying that we will be able to get an ultrasound and find out what sex our little one is! I'm not sure if they do a routine ultrasound at this point or if I will have to wait until 21 weeks but I REALLY hope they do one! Mom, I really don't know how you did it, not knowing what sex your baby was until it came out, 3 times!?! That is absurd! Well I will definitely give you an update tomorrow after the appointment...stay tuned!

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