Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 18 update - preggo brain (huh where are my keys?)

Well, after all of the excitement last week, finding out we're having a girl and everything, we of course decided to go SHOPPING!! There are so many great sales of baby clothes. Ryan and I picked out the bedding that we love at Babie R U so we can start visualizing and painting the new room after I get all of my clothes out of there :-( I am losing a closet and gaining a child....I guess it is a fair trade! The ultrasound place we went to last week gave us a DVD of the entire session that they put to music, it is really cool! I am trying to figure out how to put it on here because it is about 16 minutes long but I am determined to do it! On another positive note (I guess), my clothes no longer fit and I have resorted to primarily maternity clothes. I know this is a big milestone for pregnant women. Actually I won't lie, I am wearing my "normal" pants today but they are quite uncomfortable. I am wearing a maternity top though (thanks Sarah and Molly!) On another positive note, "pregnant brain" is in full effect! I used to think this was some sort of crazy myth that I heard about before becoming pregnant but it is true! I feel like I am constantly in a daze, I forget where I put things, I forget where I'm going, I forget to turn off things. I put a box of crackers in the fridge, I attempted to put my car in neutral when I was merely trying to turn on the turning signal, and I told my sister that I liked grape candy like 4 times because I thought that I only only thought about telling her and forgot that I had actually said it outloud to her (several times). I have to make a list for everything, I mean it is just crazy! Luckily I haven't hit "reply all" to any emails at work yet, although I caught myself once there. So there is my pregnant life in a nutshell, all very humorous I'm sure. Next, preggo brain will attempt to put some pictures up here!


  1. Okay so at least you haven't locked two kids in a car on a HOT summer day! I did that & Ryan had to race over from work & unlock the doors! Richie thought it was funny because he wasn't strapped in the carseat & he roamed around the car forever & laughed in my face, but Austin started to cry when I couldn't get back in! Funny but stressful! Plus I was so embarrassed when people walked by! I can totally relate with the PREGGO BRAIN!

  2. After preggo brain will come mommy brain. It NEVER goes away!!
