Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gettin bigger...

Alright, so here's the latest belly pic taken by my sister before we took a trip to the mall to buy me some bigger pants for work! And no, I am not pushing that thing out, or arching my back anymore than usual! I'm not gonna lie, most of that is probably the result of an increase in my ice cream and cereal intake but hey, it's all good. Anyways, I will stop blathering and let you enjoy this picture, haha!


  1. You look so good! I can't wait to see your belly get bigger.

  2. Yah! I LOVE It! I think you have the "glow"! Your looking really youthful in this photo. It may be a boy after all(ya know, since it's not stealing your beauty:). I'm still betting on a girl! I can't wait to know! I'm so excited for you!

  3. I NEED a baby belly like that. . .and some of those big boobies!
