Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Week 15

Hey guys, so here is our week 15 update! Not much new going on except for the fact that I am feeling rather large but I guess that is to be expected right? No pictures of my belly this week sorry folks! I know you were looking forward to that! I am still counting down the days until our 17 week appointment, so stay tuned for that. This week the baby is probably a little over 4 inches from the top of the head to the bottom of the...well...bottom. At this point they don't count the length including the baby's legs because they are still all curled up and hard to measure. One thing I have learned as a newly pregnant lady that I was not aware of before is that each week, your baby will be compared to some sort of fruit and/or vegetable!This week it is about the size of a navel orange, avocado or a beefsteak tomato! Not that it is quite as round but maybe the same length? Great thought, I am growing a salad. Here is the visual for you...

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