Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Week 33

Here is my week 33 update, only 7 more weeks left! Nothing too exciting going on this week, I am not complaining as much, I actually even feel good today! I even got on the elliptical for like 10 minutes, that is pretty good! I have been trying to take short walks throughout the day, I think it helps with the backaches and hip aches. Ryan thinks it's just hillaaaaarious to make fun of my "breadloaves" as he calls them, or my giant tingling swollen feet that look like loafs of bread with toes sticking out. haha! I am trying to keep my posts non-complainy so I won't detail the story of the lady at Hy-Vee this week telling me I should eat an apple....hah yeah so maybe I'll tell ya that one later. Just another one of those pregnant lady things! Ya know, like people suddenly feeling the need to mention how huge you are?! oh complaining Melissa. Here is a recent picture of me, it was actually taken when I was almost 32 weeks but I think I look about the same so here it is! Yikes...


  1. hehe! it's like you DIDN'T notice that your stomach was growing at an alarming speed. i just think people dont know what else to say, so the "you are SO big" line gets used. people are odd...
    enjoy your final weeks! oh yeah... and now would be a PERFECT time for some preggo pics!! you know my number babe! ;)

  2. YOu are looking great!...haha where do you get those comic pictures below? THose are hilarious!....oh and just wait if you happen to go over due like I did (by two weeks) gets even more irritaing when people say.."Whoa! You look huge, when are you due?"...and you have to say.."oh, last week..." and walk off both feeling awkward. It sucks...but remember that know one stays pregnant forever, it always comes out eventually and those "breadloaves"...haha...aka fat suit (thats what we called mine) will go down. promise. :)
