Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Week-35 Getting ready!

Still keeping busy getting everything ready for baby and just waiting for things to calm down (at least for a couple of weeks?) before baby gets here! One great milestone happened this week, all of the closets in the baby's room are cleaned and organized...what a sigh of relief! I have been feeling pretty good this week, just getting bigger of course, that is to be expected I guess! Ryan is getting so excited to have this baby here, he just keeps looking at me, I think he is expecting something to happen or something. He is so funny! He will be mad I said this but last night he goes "So have you been having any Briggs and Hogs?" haha I'm like "what?!", then he says "Benson Hedges?". hah he meant Braxton-Hicks! He is so cute, he remembered what they were from child birth class but just couldn't remember the name! oh man I am still laughing about it. It was probably funnier in person though! Only 5 weeks left now! Luckily, I have found some more very helpful baby care basics from a very reliable source :-)


  1. oh well...I pick Will's nose anyway. :) oops!

  2. hah yeah I don't really see what's wrong with that one, no harm in a little boogie!
