Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just let me complain for a sec...

Ok so I told myself that I wouldn't be a complainy pregnant lady since being pregnant is such a blessing and I should be thankful and so on. Let me get one thing straight with you before I go into a pregnant lady rant...I am SOO thankful that I am pregnant and that she is healthy, I am SO excited to meet this baby and to be a mom. With that being said, being pregnant is really starting to get on my nerves! Maybe it's the hormones, maybe it the constant aches and pains, maybe it's the comments from people on large I am, maybe it's the lack of sleep...whatever it is, I feel the need to complain sometimes. My back hurts, my pelvis feels like it's being ripped apart, my ribs feel like they are being used as a jungle gym, and my feet are huge! This cartoon is a scene from my life last week as I sat huffin and puffin in the dressing room watching my cute little sister try on cute little shirts!

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