Friday, June 12, 2009

Full Term!

37 weeks! At this point, our baby girl is considered full term, meaning that everything is fully developed and she would be perfectly healthy if she were to be born right now. What a relief! It's hard to imagine how much you can worry about until you are actually pregnant (and I'm sure it gets worse when you are a parent) but this really just makes me happy. I feel so fortunate that my pregnancy has gone so well up to this point, only 3 weeks left maybe? I really hope she will come a little bit early because I am so anxious to meet her! Well that and I don't know how much more my poor skin can stretch! Itchy!! I have just been relaxing as much as possible and enjoying my free time with Ryan while I can. Tomorrow is my future sister-in-law's wedding shower at my mom's house so I am attempting to make some cute cupcakes today. I hope they turn out but I know they won't be as good as Melissa Pioch's! mmm yum!

I went to the doc's today and I guess I am "one fingertip" dilated, is that 1 centimeter? Well whatever it is, it's progress! COME ON BABY!!!!!!!


  1. YAY for progress! I am so glad to hear you have hit 37 wks & I think we are all relieved! Now hopefully she won't stay in there past your due date like Maddy did... one day feels like one week! I am so excited to meet her! Glad to hear you are relaxing! You have had a busy pregnancy! Love ya! :)

  2. Wow! You're already dilated? That didn't happen to me. Maybe that's a sign she will come early. We're all so anxious to meet her! Glad to hear you are getting in some r&r.
