Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm back! Week 36

Sorry I'm so late with the week 36 update, soo much fun stuff has been going on! Last week my wonderful co-workers had a baby shower for me and another co-worker who is due in August with her second boy. That was so nice! It was so great to get a little break from work with some good food and games. Then of course, Monday of last week I turned in my last paper ever! Woo hoo!! My grade for the last class is still pending but I'm positive that I did good enough to pass so woopie! I have my master's and I can relax, at least for a little bit! This week was also recital week for Betty Hill so I was spending some time at the Civic Center getting my hip hop classes geared up for the performance. I volunteered backstage last night so my feet were a little sore from standing so long but I guess it's worth it. I still love the excitement of recital and I'm fortunate that I can still be a part of it.
As far as baby goes, I am now into my weekly appointments and checks for progress, but so far nothing going on down there I guess. Well unless "softening" is progress, which it is, but I wish it was more! Isn't it funny that you never ever talk about the status of your cervix until you are pregnant? Like I didn't even know my cervix could do all this cool stuff on it's own. Now when I talk about it with other preggo ladies or moms they know exactly what I'm talking about, funny! "oh yeah so how's your cervix today?" "hmm it's soft but not opening or dropping, and yours?" haha weird.
We picked up the bassinet from my parents today (or Nona and Papi?) haha they are still trying to decide on what the baby is going to call them. So it is pretty much the waiting game now. All clothes, blankets, burp clothes washed and put away, crib and bassinet set up, car seats assembled, bottles and accessories sterilized and put away. Now....we....wait. Good thing I have this book of crossword puzzles...

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is you need to sleep, sleep, sleep! You have been SUCH A BUSY PREGO!!!! So now you need to sleep all of the time before that baby comes & sit on your butt! I still can't believe you only have like 3 wks left!! AHHHHH! It has gone by so quick for us & hopefully you too! I can't wait to meet her! :) Love you & hope to see you soon! :)
