Sunday, June 21, 2009

Week 38 - Anticipation!

So here it is, I am currently 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant and I'm so ready to meet our baby! I have never wanted anything more in my life but to see that little face and I just can't wait! My life is pretty much consumed with wondering when it will happen and also thinking that it has started but of course it hasn't. A co-worker of mine has a theory that when you're so pregnant and sick of it that you finally just break down and cry, that is when the baby will make it's appearance. Well crap, that has already happened twice and her due date is still 10 days away! Haha, oh well maybe a big one is coming. Thankfully, my mom kept me pretty busy yesterday! We went to a bunch of garage sales and I got a barely used pack n play and a swing! I love good bargains. It was soooo hot out though so then we decided that I should get a pedicure! :-) Well, I decided that mom should take me to get a pedicure and she gladly did. Then we went to lunch and the mall for a little bit, so that was a nice break from getting my house clean and ready.
If you haven't already made your guess, get in on the Baby Parks Pool! You put in your guess for the birthdate, time, weight and length of the baby and whoever is the closest wins! Well you don't win any $$, but you definitely win bragging rights.

Go here and type in "babygirlparks" (without the quotation marks) in the game name and then make your guess!


  1. oooh, maybe the pedicurist pushed on some pressure points to get that labor started. :)

  2. Now would be a good time for one last baby bump pic on this blog!!!

  3. My guess was you are going to have a 4th of July baby! For your sake I'll hope for earlier but I'd still love to be right.
