Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Some pregnancy tips for everyone!

I found these very helpful pregnancy tips online, I thought I would share them with you just in case you were wondering how to ensure that you have the safest and most enjoyable pregnancy possible!

Molly you better re-think the shower games you have planned for this weekend! :-)

I'm so glad I found this one before I dug out my old boombox and started coffeegrinding!

I will be sure to keep these in mind...there are more for newborn care also, I will share those with you later! I hit week 29 today, I guess that means I'm "officially" in my 3rd trimester! I can hardly believe it. Hey does anyone have any tips on how to dislodge a baby from the inside of your ribcage? If so, please do share because I have thing constant rib cage pain from the baby sitting right in there and KICKING, trying to pry my ribs apart! OW! I don't want to sound like I am complaining, it is just such a surprise. One of those things you don't really expect to hurt! This Friday I will have my glucose tolerance test in which I get to fast for 3 hours then chug an orange flavored sugary liquid that I heard is totally gross. Then they take your blood to see how your body responds to the surge in sugar to see if you are at risk for gestational diabetes. I really hope I am ok on this one since there are a lot of complications that come with this problem. Wish me luck! Have a great week!


  1. oh my gosh i was laughing out loud! these are hilarious! Where do you get this stuff? :)...congrats on being in your third trimester.

  2. These are so FUNNY!! :) I hate the glucose test!! Everytime I fail it & then I have to go back for the all day test. And then they tell me I don't have ges. diabetes! It is so annoying! I hope & pray you don't have to go back for the long test... it stinks & I got light headed from not being able to EAT anything! I am so excited for the shower this weekend!! :)
