Tonight is beggar's night and Leah is going as a lady bug! This costume with it's giant hood is hilarious! We went to a Halloween party last night, my husband was MacGruber and I was a hastily throw together cowgirl (what creativity huh) and we had lots of fun! Things are going great in the Parks' household lately...and may I also add CRAZY! My load of in-home day care kids has grown a lot! I currently am watching 3 babies (under the age of 6 months) and a 2 year old. Add my little munchkin into the mix and you have a full blown circus. There are definitely some times when I want to scream along with the kids but then I slap myself and get over it. It's so much fun and it's really starting to grow on me! Well, gotta run (or fly) we're off for dinner and trick or treating with G-ma and G-pa then more trick or treating with Leah's aunts, uncles and cousins, fun! Have a safe and spooooooky Halloween!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My new Etsy shop!
Well I finally did it! I have been telling myself for months to get this Etsy shop up and running but I just could never find the time. Well today, we dedicated the day to doing it and boy, am I excited! Leah and I spent the morning outside taking pictures. Isn't she a beautiful model? Then part of the afternoon posting some listings. I still have a lot more to clips to post but I am waiting to see how these do first. I just know that someone else has to appreciate these as much as I do! There it is!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Full house = fun house!
There is always something new happening in the Parks household! In the past few months, I have been feeling a little restless and feeling the need to "do more" Although I didn't know what the "do more" was. Before I became a mom, working 2 jobs and going to school kept my mind busy. Now that I am a stay at home mom, I felt like I needed to do something to up the excitement in my life, (not that Leah isn't exciting enough). Ryan and I pray every night, I began praying for God to guide me and to help me find something that I was meant to do (besides motherhood of course!). He answered when within the next few weeks, I received calls, emails and inquiries from about 10 different families in need of care for their child(ren)! I never in my life thought that this is where my life would take me but now I know it has to be right! How wonderful for me to be able to stay home with my baby and make a little extra money at the same time? I love watching children grow. Although I may complain about how exhausting it is, I know it is an amazing opportunity. Right now, I have a little 3 month old boy at our house 3 days a week. I plan on taking on more kids within the next few months. Crazy right?! Here is a picture of Leah and the new baby, she just loves him. I have to restrain her or she will just kiss him all day!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Happy Birthday Leah!
I can't believe it has been one year since my precious baby was born! I can still remember every second of giving birth to her and our hospital stay...and every day, week, and month following that. Leah was born at 1:17 pm so in about 2 hours we will say it's official! I remember thinking that 1 year seemed like so long and I couldn't imagine what she would be like. Well, it went so fast, now I want it to slow down! Leah is already talking and walking. It is absolutely amazing how much a little human being can grow in just one year. I've never experienced a birthday of one of my children before, it is definitely different. I feel happy, sad, proud, hopeful and crazy all at the same time! Now I can say I know how a parent feels...kind of like I want to cry! boo hooo. This whole past week has been emotion as every day I think "last year at this time I was...". Since I was a week overdue, I remember I was starting to get depressed and SO anxious to meet my baby. I was looking back at my blog posts from that time and I was soooo over being pregnant. I was about to give up! I guess that wasn't really a possibility but it's crazy that this time brings back those memories. Then, of course there are the memories of the first time I laid eyes on her. I can safely say that was THE most amazing moment of my life. Craaaazy. Anyways, today I think we are going to head to the wading pool so Leah can take a dip, swimming is one of her favorite things! Here is a picture of the birthday girl I took today. One of her new things is putting everything on her head, taking it off, and then bringing it to me so I can put it back on her head. Silly kid! I also made her a birthday cake, of course she loved it, haha!
Thursday, July 1, 2010

I am switching gears for a moment and using my blog to write down some of my thoughts on the new movie in the Twilight Saga. I know you are probably sick of hearing about it, but I saw Eclipse last night and I loved it! I am going to be one of those Twilight dorks for a minute! I know a lot of you will understand and many of you may also be rolling your eyes. Hey, I always say, don't knock it til you try it haters! Anyway, as a person who has read the books and loved them, I was not too impressed with the first Twilight movie. I thought a lot of character development, plot development, and acting talent was missing. The second in the series, New Moon, was a little better in terms of story development and actors. I was impressed this time! Here are a few reasons why...
1. The cast (especially Kristin Stewart) must have been taking some acting lessons recently. Much less hair pulling and lip biting. Good job kiddo. I actually wasn't distracted by horrible acting. She was much more relatable and actually seemed a little sweet, which is not usual.
2. The producers did a much better job of not leaving out important character stories and other plot lines that are important to the story. I didn't feel the urge to yell out "but what about ____?!" (some important plot point in the book). They crammed a lot into this movie!
3. I love the wolves...that is all
4. Even though I can only handle so much love cheesiness, the "lovey" moments between Edward and Bella are essential to the story, I guess I can do.
5. The actor that plays Bella's dad, Charlie, really captures the essence of his personality in the book and brings some humor to the story. Good job guy.
6. I'm throwing in something I don't like... there is one character who shares the name of my baby, Leah. I decided to name my baby that BEFORE I read the book. They didn't go into real detail of her character but basically, no one really likes her. Way to go me.
7. In the book, the "fight" scene is much longer and actually got a little boring to read. They cut it way shorter in the movie and left in the good stuff, like breaking off the heads of vampires. Thank you.
8. Another thing that I don't like. Dakota Fanning. Really? She is supposed to be scary and intimidating. When I think scary and intimidating, the LAST person I think of is Dakota Fanning. I think of annoying, precocious young girl. There are many other actors that I think would have played that part better, sorry Dakota.
9. And lastly, the lady sitting next to us with the 3 year old AND nursing her newborn at a 9:15 showing is way braver than I.
That's all for now, call me dork if you will. I'm secure with myself. Add more if you would like!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's day!
To the best husband and daddy ever! I just love seeing the relationship between these two grow. Watching the man I've been in love with for 8 years (almost 9 what?!) turn into a father has been amazing. Today I made breakfast for Ryan and we are relaxing until we go to my parent's house for dinner. Leah is starting to talk and I always know when Ryan walks in the door from work if Leah sees him first because I hear "Hi dada!". It is so stinkin cute. I guess I don't mind that she STILL isn't saying "mommy" yet. Oh well, in due time I'm sure. Leah is also saying "hi, hi, hi" and waving to everyone and everything she sees. Leah and I are having a great summer so far, full of playdates, swimming pools and walks. I'm so glad that she is easy to take places now! She is developing somewhat of a defiant spirit but I don't think there is much I can do about that, I mean, look at her parents! haha! Next week we are taking our first mommy/daughter road trip to visit my friend Tessa in Minneapolis. I am kind of nervous about getting her out of her routine but I'm sure it will work out fine. I hope! On a side note, my little baby will turn 1 year old in about 2.5 weeks, I can hardly believe it! Time really does fly when you're having fun :-)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Baby hair!

Here are a few of the clips I have made along with a super cute model! I am so excited about this new venture and the fact that I have already sold several, that I decided to make a name for myself! Sofie Lee Accessories is what I have decided to call my little business. Sofie and Leah are the other 2 ladies in the house and they have cute names so it works perfectly! I also have a new email address for anyone who would like to place an order or ask a question.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Busy ladies!

Boy have we been busy! Since the weather has gotten nice, Leah and I are loving to get out and walk around, go to the park, go shopping, whatever! I have recently started making these super cute little clippies that I love! It all started when I needed something to hold back Leah's "bangs", aka to frizzy wispies that get in her eyes. I looked at some of the stores around here and the little ones I wanted were 8, 9 even 10 dollars! I just couldn't justify spending that, so I went to Hobby Lobby and spent $7 and ended up making almost 20 clippies! It's so easy and they are super cute. Since I have so many and I keep making more, I have decided to sell them! We'll see how it goes, but I really hope it takes off, I would love to keep doing this. I have also been spending a lot of time at the dance studio helping the girls get ready for recital in June. It's my favorite time of year! Even though it does get stressful, I love the adrenaline rush. This week, I am watching a friend's 18 month old son so Leah gets a play mate!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter!

He has risen! I can't thank the Lord enough for everything he has done for me and my family. Every day I take a moment to just think about how lucky I am. Leah is growing so fast! A little too fast for me, I can hardly keep up with her already! I wouldn't be surprised if she starts walking soon. In just a matter of days she learned how to pull herself up, walk from side to side, move to other pieces of furniture, and DANCE! haha that's right, she loves to dance! It's so cute, she has a different dance for every song on her little play table and a different one for when her daddy beatboxes for her! I hope she continues to love dancing of course since I pretty much dedicated my own life to it. I would love it if she shared my love of dance. And don't forget Ryan danced too! Leah also just discovered how fun it is to play tug of war with the dog. And much to my disgust, she loves when he licks her face. She will lean in towards him with her mouth open and her tongue out, laughing! ewwwww! What a little character. Here are some of Leah's 8 month pictures, even though she will be 9 months in just a few days!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
8 months old!

Leah is now getting into EVERYTHING! I can't keep her away from everything dangerous, which of course all she wants to do is go towards electrical outlets, cords, toppling furniture, etc. Anything that I missed in my baby-proofing adventures...she will find! The other day I caught her standing up in her crib! I just looked at her and thought "oh...great!". Now she is pulling up on the couch, coffee table and everything she can find. It's so funny to see this little munchkin standing up, she thinks she is sooo cool! She is also starting to develop what I like to call "Bratitude". I didn't think this started this early but I think we're really in for it. Whenever I say "NO", for example when she is crawling towards an electrical outlet, Leah turns her little face towards me, gives me the biggest smile, then continues on crawling towards the outlet even faster than before. What a stinker!! I thought the rebellion didn't start until like 12 or something? Geeeez. We've been battling another cold this week with a nasty cough which makes for a fussy and clingy baby but it will be over soon! These pics were done by my friend Nicole, an aspiring photographer. She did great! We also got some more done the week after these were done so I will post some of those soon too!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Like father, like daughter
I swear if this kid doesn't look just like her daddy! I have had this John Deere polo onsie since before Leah was born and I just had to put it on her before she grew out of it. Once I got the polo and the jeans on her, I just couldn't stop laughing! She looks like a mini Ryan!!! The pictures are hilarious because she hates my camera flash so her faces are priceless. What a little nugget! I know she looks like a boy, I regret not putting a bow on her now. Things have been going really great around the Parks household. Ryan's job is going great which makes us all happy, Leah has been sleeping wonderfully, and I have managed to keep the house together. I just can't wait until it gets nice out! I know I said that last time but come on.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Leah's big day!
So much has been going on with the little one lately! We had a wonderful day for Leah's baptism. She did great of course and as you can see, wanted to play in the holy water! She looked adorable as always and it was so great that so many of our family members could attend. Leah's Godmother Melissa made the cake of course and it was FABULOUS as usual! I just love the little angel. Leah is so lucky to have such a great Godmother...and she makes great cakes to boot! Leah is set for life on all of her special occaisions! :-) In addition to Leah's baptism, we have seen so many fun changes in Leah. She is sitting up by herself now and has figured out how to "army crawl". She stays on her belly but uses her elbows and knees to get around, she is pretty fast too! Looks like I need to get on baby-proofing the house. Sheesh where did the time go? I thought I had a few more months before I had to do that?! On another note, I am getting a little case of cabin fever here...I can't wait until spring and summer! I am so excited to be able to go on walks, the pool, the park etc. This lady needs some color in her skin and this baby needs to see the world!
Friday, January 22, 2010
It finally happened! The moment I've been praying and wishing for for probably about 6 months! You guessed it, my beautiful daughter actually slept through the night last night! Of course I didn't because I was waking up every 2 hours wondering why she wasn't crying...and she was fine just sleeping away. The previous 2 nights, I broke down and just had to let her cry herself back to sleep at 3 in the morning. I was on the verge of losing my mind and my back was throbbing from leaning over the crib and then standing to rock her. I just couldn't do it anymore so I would go back to bed and cover my head with pillows until she fell asleep. I didn't think either of us could do it and it broke my heart when she was crying but I knew it would do us both good in the long run and it did! She was so happy this morning when she woke up! I told her it's because she got so much sleep because screaming for over an hour in the middle of the night is not good for our beauty rest! Well I just had to share because this is probably the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a while, maybe I can go back to sleeping for longer than 3 hour stretches? That would be wonderful, pray that this keeps going! Also, Leah's baptism is this Sunday, pictures to follow!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Funny Girl!
I don't know if it's just because I am home now or because Leah has grown by leaps and bounds just in the past few weeks but she is getting quite the personality! She is so happy (except at 2 in the morning) and just loves to smile and laugh. I really get a kick out of making her laugh and seeing what makes her smile. She just LOVES Sofie the cat and screeches with glee every time she sees her! Too bad Sofie is terrified of those little pinchers though! My days have been full and busy but I love taking the time to think about how blessed I am and how thankful I am to be able to watch my little girl grow up. Last weekend we had Christmas with Ryan's side of the family. Unfortunately it was postponed due to weather and then illnesses but it was so much fun! Leah loves to party and of course she is an angel whenever we are around family. Here are some pics from the Parks family Christmas. Oh! I'm also excited to announce that Leah has another new cousin on the way! Her aunt Sarah (Ryan's sister) is pregnant again! We are so excited! So now Leah will have 2 new cousins this year! Molly's baby coming in June or July and Sarah's in September. They are so lucky they have each other to talk to and get to go through their pregnancies together, for the second time! Congrats guys! We are so happy. Don't get any ideas, I will not be ready for another one for quite some time but I will keep you posted. :-)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I love peas!
I have been having a wonderful week or so at home with my little Leah. We are not on such a great schedule right now with Christmas events and New Years, in which Leah spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa's house but we are working on it! I love deciding what I want to do in a day and being productive around the house and taking time to just sit and cuddle with my daughter whenever I want, I love it! We are still trying to find ways for me to earn a little extra money so I of course am still teaching dance but I am also selling my pack rat husband's stuff on ebay! He has soo many valuable things he has kept that he will never use (and about a million video games) it's time to clean out this place and make $ at the same time! So that has been keeping me busy along with running errands and taking care of the baby. I love my new job though! Leah is sleeping in her crib now which is great but she still wants to get up 2-4 times a night. Now that I don't have to get up so early, I have much more patience at 3 in the morning so I can deal with it and hopefully continue to help her sleep for longer periods. In the past few weeks we have introduced Leah to peas and carrots, she LOVES them, she wants to feed herself!
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